Course Catalogue
OPOA offers a variety of classes that meet the Department of Safety & Standards Training criteria for Oregon's peace officers. The classes listed below are some of our most frequently requested trainings and can be taught anywhere in the state.
Search Warrants... Not as Painful As You Think!
Search warrants are vital to every investigator. Learn when they’re required and how to efficiently write affidavits to get that evidence you need for your case. This fast-paced and hands-on class is designed for every patrol officer/deputy/trooper, as well as new detectives
Conducting Effective Background Investigations
This 2-day (16 hr) interactive course is designed for individuals who are involved in public safety background investigation processes. Much more than a simple how-to background course, it will answer the question as to why you conduct legally sufficient background investigations and what happens if you don’t
Infant & Child Death Investigations
Students will learn about current best practice guidelines for infant death investigation, as well as specific challenges that are faced by law enforcement investigators. Case review examples will be used to explore critical investigation components with a focus on consistent, meticulous, and compassionate investigation of these complex and challenging cases.
Strangulation Recognition & Response
Instructor will share national best practice recommendations and emphasize the importance of collaboration in strangulation recognition and response. An overview of forms of asphyxiation, related anatomy and physiology, as well as signs, symptoms of strangulation are presented. Investigative tips and techniques will be offered, including approaches to interviews, written and photo documentation, and the use of body maps and other physical assessment tools
Field Training & Evaluation Program
The Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP) was first developed in San José in the 1970’s. Over the years, agencies have evolved in their process, direction, community service and mission. This program has proven to be legally defensible, flexible and meant to be modified and updated to grow with community expectation, agency growth and updated policies.
Intro to Investigations
Instructors Will Manion & Matt Irvine provide officers, deputies, and detectives with the specialized knowledge and specific investigative techniques they need to conduct effective, ethical investigations that uncover the truth, hold offenders accountable, and protect communities. They teach a unique methodical approach and a relentless mindset – filling in gaps to build airtight cases and creating partnerships among officers, detectives, forensic specialists, and prosecutors.
Simplifying How to Obtain, Review & Present Financial Records
DOJ Financial Crimes Team instructors lead students in hands-on training in Microsoft Excel to review bank records from a real elder financial abuse case. Students will learn tips and tricks in Excel to maximize the evidence in their financial investigations as well as learn how to present their findings to a prosecutor with simplified summaries of the financial records.
Your training idea here!
We are always looking for training that meets current need. If you have a topic idea but no presenter, let us know and we'll work to build a class for you! Chances are, if you are interested in the class someone else probably is as well!
Know a great presenter you'd like to bring to the area? Let us know that too! Contact us at: